Monday, August 09, 2004


laptop saya benar2 bermasalah. laptop yang cuma saya sayangi setengah hati karena LCD yang belang2 kuning putih gak jelas itu terkena virus bernama bloodhound.w32.ep. apaan si tu? udah tau yang punya gaptek segaptek2nya, malah pake kena virus. kata ndun musti reformat. kata egi gitu juga. the thing is, males banget reformat hari gini! udahlah gak ngerti, udah gitu due date tugas2 juga mulai berdatangan.. sumpah yaa.. semester ini kok kayanya stress sekali yaa..

so yesterday i was trying to make my life a bit more organised. so i was jotting down all of the due dates of my assignments, tasks, presentations, exams, including a long term plan of my self indulgement *talking about concerts and concerts here*. and guess what what i've found? i've found out that i have two freakking essays due date and a deadly presentation on the same week?

so guys, my life gonna be over by the end of this august. see ya guys, thanks for everything you have given me. i'm so dead. >.<

quote of my day: "i'm so dead this semester!" -me, talking to jolyn-

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