Monday, December 20, 2004

i, 3 years ago...

ah.. memories. so this was i, 3 years ago.. found a stupid diary of mine. here's one of the most stupidest entries in the whole wide world.

i hate to be neglected hate to be avoided hate to be lied hate to be hated.
i hate to be neglected hate to be avoided hate to be lied hate to be hated.
i hate to be neglected hate to be avoided hate to be lied hate to be hated.

if you don't want to see me anymore, FINE.
if you don't want to know me anymore, FINE.

just don't call me, don't message me whatsoever. just leave. leave. leaveeeee.. or should i?

or am i too deeply in love with you?


OK, dan ini gw yang sekarang. OH GOD. what was i thinking, writing some lame stupid things like that? GOOD GOD, please! can't even remember the cause of me writing that though. hehehhe *malu*

however, come to think of that, the same feelings are still here. you know, the hate of being neglected etc etc..

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