ada yang baru looo dari blog ketengan ini.. kalo buat situ2 yang pinter dan tukang merhatiin bagian kanan atau apalah namanya itu, ketauan kalo ada link THE ULTIMATE MIJUNGISM. click that in order to be enlighted. huahuhauha
the idea (of making that self narcissistic creation) is simply because i'm sooo soo bored with my life right now. i literally am becoming more and more lifeless each day. school work, sahur, tidur, school work, buka puasa, school work. sesekali diselingi nonton tivi dan lain2. bottom line, school work has driven me completely insane.
the fact that school tasks will be over within a week is the only thing that keep my sanity around here.
so yes, light up my life a bit will ya people? just drop by to the ultimate mijungism, and leave a comment there. it will be much appreciated and will affect my life entirely, for i am now planning to commit some sorta suicidal behaviour due to this boredom i am suffering from.
and no, i'm not exaggerating, nor joking about the suicidal behaviour.
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Thursday, October 28, 2004
have you ever?
pernah gak si lo, pingin nonjok gampar tampar (atau apalah namanya) orang, sekenceng2nya? gak peduli di bagian mana tubuh orang itu, mau di muka kek, di badan, atau pun di tititnya sekalipun.
sebabnya simpel, itu orang udah nyakitin anggota keluarga lo. let's just say, kali ini dia nyakitin orang tua lo. orang tua yang udah nyayangin lo dari kecil, dan lo deket banget sama mereka, sampe bisa dibilang lo deketnya elo sama orang tua lo udah kaya sahabat.
tapi kemudian, tiba2 orang tua lo disakiti. gak secara fisik sih, tapi secara batin. kerugian yang udah disebabin orang itu bukan cuma kerugian immaterial atau hati dan pikiran, tapi juga material yang jumlahnya gak sedikit. sangat amat gak sedikit.
dari dulu dia udah nyakitin orang tua lo, dari jaman lo baru lahir sekalipun. masalah yang disebabkannya, bener2 gak keitung. dari hal2 simpel kaya berantem di sekolah, masuk penjara sebentar gara2 ditilang polisi karena kebut2an, kabur dari rumah, berantem di club, sampe bikin pacarnya hamil, sampe kemudian dia cerai sama si pacar hamilnya. masalah tu kayanya udah jadi nama tengahnya dia dhe, bener2 dia udah nyebabin semua masalah. pokoknya semuanya deh. sampe suatu hari dia ngaku tobat, dan janji gak nyakitin orang tua lo lagi.
pastinya dong orang tua lo lega selega2nya. sampe niat nyariin dia kerjaan, sampe niat mbikinin dia rumah, yang walaupun gak mewah, tapi sangat amat layak untuk tinggal, DENGAN BIAYA MAINTENANCE DITANGGUNG orang tua lo. pendek kata, dia tinggal tau beres, semuanya udah ada, termasuk pembantu yang disediakan orang tua lo, termasuk mobil yang walaupun gak mewah, cukup BMW seri 5 aja(!!!), dan lain lain dan lain lain. orang tua lo bener2 gak mengharapkan imbalan apa2, kecuali (mungkin) agar orang itu minimal menghormati orang tua lo seperti anak2 lain menghormati dan menyayangi orang tuanya sendiri. atau mungkin orang tua lo mengharapkan surga nantinya. itu juga kalau surga itu ada.
tapi kemudian, guess what happened? dia nyakitin orang tua lo lagi. gak kaget si gw dengernya, gw udah terlalu sakit untuk kaget. saat ini, gw hanya ingin nggampar tu orang right in the face, nendang tu orang right in his ass and dick, dan melakukan segala tindakan vandalisme seperti anak2 remaja merusak bis kota maupun telfon umum. get my point here? sumpah, kalo gw gak bertuhan, udah dari dulu tu orang gw silet2, trus gw siram pake jeruk nipis. *buahuahua PKI mode, ON*
abis itu, gw siram bensin, trus gw bakarrrrr.. buahuahau *devilish eyes and laugh*
haduh2, the devil in me has really taken me over today.
and i'm fasting. good lord.
jadi, gimana? masih boleh nonjok orang gak sih KALAU cerita di atas adalah benar adanya?
Monday, October 25, 2004
heute ich..
hari ini gw presentasi. bisa dibilang ini presentasi paling dadakan sepanjang hidup gw. bukan jadualnya, yang ini sih gw udah tau dari awal semester 12 minggu yang lalu. tapi persiapannya, uhmm.. roughly, 3 jam sebelumnya? huahuahuha..
tapi alhamdulillah, it ended up quite good, at least it was better than i expected. intinya, gw legaaaa banget.
seperti kebanyakan orang di dunia ini, gw paling takut, repeat, paling takut sama yang namanya presentasi, debat, atau apalah itu, yang menuntut gw ngomong panjang lebar tentang suatu hal di depan banyak orang. apalagi sampe musti ngebelain suatu point of view. gak banget gak banget gak banget. *diulang 3 kali, biar mantap*
nah, hari ini gw gitu banget. ok, here are some ideas yang ngejelasin betapa ngerinya gw sama presentasi yang tadi.
- itu adalah presentasi, yang mana berarti gw musti ngomong di depan banyak orang dong, pake BAHASA ENGGRIS.
- inggris gw adalah inggris tercacat bahasa sejagad raya.
- itu di kelas filosofi media.
- ini pengalaman pertama gw ngambil kelas filosofi. hasilnya? GW KAPOK GAK MAU AMBIL FILOSOFI LAGI.
- persiapannya, as said, hmmm.... 3 jam? or less?
yang bikin gw agak2 PD tadi:
- gw bikinnya berdua sama dita, temen seperjuangan banget kalo kuliah.
- topiknya agak2 common knowledge gitu, yaitu global village-nya marshall mcluhan. sebuta2nya orang tentang ginian, pasti bisalah ngomongin tentang globalisasi, and neo-liberalism.
- tutornya baik hati *kali ya, yang ini gw juga gak yakin hueheuh*
hasilnya: gw bangga. hohoho iyah, gw bangga sama diri gw sendiri, dan dengan dita tentunya. kalo gak ada dia pasti gw udah terpipis2 berdiri tu huehuehue.
oia, kenapa gw bangga? karena.. dosennya tau gw idola banget sama marx! hohoho keliatan bgt gitu di presentasi kita kalo kita hobi berat sama yang namanya marxism.
HIDUP MARXIST! liat ajah, suatu hari kalo ada revolusi, jangan nyalahin gw yaaa :P
satu lagi, makasih yang teramat sangat tentunya ditujukan ke my significant other, irwansyah mukhlis. love your marxist point of view, dear. liat aja, someday kita bakal bikin dunia sendiri yang terdiri dari marxism dan kawan2nya. bedanya, kita bikin marxism yang bertuhan yuukkk.. hohoho *sakit jiwa*
sudah2 ya, sakit jiwa makin akut nih. mending tidur dulu. have a good nite everyone =)
Sunday, October 24, 2004
si A920 keparat
[stress mode, ON]
hp gw yang gede dan bodoh itu, motorola A920 yang gak punya fungsi penting berarti itu, yang gak canggih itu, yang baterenya musti diinfus tiap saat itu, yang umurnya baru setahun itu, RUSAK.
the thing is, biar jelek2 gitu, gw lagi butuh banget buat nelfon sana sini, komunikasi sana sini, dan lain2.
besok gw presentasi berdua dita. ergo, gw musti sering2 nelfon dan ditelfon dia, buat ngomongin presentasi.
udah gitu, gw musti ngecek email dari tutor, dan segala macem segala macem dari hp juga. oklah, ini bisa digantiin sama internet biasa, tapi bayangin tadi pagi sempet panik juga gara2 adsl keparat ini DOWN.
yang paling ngeselin, pacar gw jauh. dan dengan ngeselinnya, gw coba telfon pake telfon rumah ke hpnya dia, gak bisa. ternyata telfon rumah gak bisa dipake buat ke hp dan international. stress # 1
gw sms pake pulsa trakhir prepaid gw, gak dibales. stress # 2
gw coba pake hp housemate gw, only to find out kalo hp si pacar kurang ajar itu, MATI. pantes sms gw gak dibales. T_T stress # 3
akhirnya, gw tukeran sim card sama si housemate, dan nelfon ke rumahnya dia di perth sanah itu, daaaannn guess whattt...
ternyata dia lagi duduk manis di internet, tanpa nyalain MSN. minta di kejar2 pake gada banget gak seeeeeh!
bah bah bah bah bahhhhh... >.<
i know i may sound too much, but i just HATE the feeling of being.. uhm.. not in control? nyahahahaha *devilish laugh*
[stress mode, gak bisa OFF. gimana dong?]
Saturday, October 23, 2004
hoho nyoba ngepost dari opera neh. bisa juga setelah selama ini terkatung2 ngepost dari kompienya ndun, gara2 slimbrowsernya error mulu. huhuhu nasib orang gaptek T_T
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
e-media forum
hari ini, gw ke kampus. harusnya ada kelas politik jam 14.30. tapi ternyata saya malas hueheuhe, yasuu, akhirnya niat ke kampus jadi cuma ketemu dita nyiapin presentasi untuk senin besok, ngumpulin tugas, dan ke forum itu. ergo, yang paling penting adalah attend the forum. it's supposed to be at 6 sharp btw.
jam 14.00
ketemu dita di readings, toko buku deket kampus. oia, ada diary buat taun 2005 btw, keren abis gila2an pingin beli tapi kere. alhasil cuma menatap pake tatapan mupeng gitu, keren bgt. huhuhu nasib orang keren kere.. T_T
jam 14.30
cabut dari reading, menuju kampus. bahagianya saya di readings, banyak buku2 yang gw pingin beli. eh gajadi bahagia deng, wong bukunya gak ada yang mampu kok. damn you readings!
jam 14.45-15.00
di lab komputer, ngeprint bahan presentasi, termasuk tugas yang akan dikumpulin sore itu juga. abis itu menuju pigeon hole si dosen politik. naik lift sampe lantai 10, celingak celinguk kiri kanan, berharap gak ketemu si dosen. gak enak dong bolos kelas tapi ketemu langsung sama orangnyah..
but guess what happened?
ketemu si dosen politik si enggak, malah ketemu sama si tutor yang ngurusin forum yang jam 6 itu. basa basi dong, sebagai berikut:
me n dita: hi kaz! how are ya?
kaz : hi girls.. fine thanks, you both good?
gw *bener2 dengan semangat datang ke forum*: so i'll see you later at the forum?
kaz *blur dengan kata2 gw*: forum? what forum?
gw *ngotot*: you know, the issues in e-media forum? the digital artist guest lecturer?
kaz *kayanya kesel*: OH. THAT. *senyum2 aneh gak ngerti maksutnya apa* that was YESTERDAY.
gw *nganga*: woot? yesterday? today's tuesday rite? *dohh, padahal hari ini rabu*
kaz *dengan tatapan yang bilang: no stupid, today IS wednesday*: nope, it was yesterday. ok, i gotta go. see you in class next week?
gw *masih nganga, lengkap dengan tatapan kosong bodoh jaya*: yes, sure. see ya.
abis itu, masuk lift berdua dita. dan diketawain sama dita, dan semua benda yang ada disitu. sampe gw bisa ngerasain dinding lift ikut ngetawain gw, lengkap dengan plafon2nyah. mak inang bodoh kali saya hari ini. *(@^#%(&*^#()%*
moral of the day: do not pretend to go to school, i repeat, do not pretend to go to school on a good merit. there's no such thing as a good and sincere thing in school.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
yippi yay yay yippeee yaaay!! so i finally bought the aladdin dvd box set! you know, the one that i talked about in the previous entry? sooo exticed to watch that again, cuz i haven't watched aladdin since like what, 10 years ago? oh god i'm getting old, makes me realise.
quite disappointed though, cuz i bought that for $59.95, whilst an hour after i bought the dvd, she called me to inform me the exact same thing sold for only $55.95 at BIG W! it's only $4 difference, i know, but hey, it's more than 2-hours full fare metcard, it's the same as 1 hungry jack's whopper, and it's even worse if you convert that to IDR. gosh.
what makes me very dissaponted is, I CAN'T WATCH ALADDIN RITE NOW! oh these assignments. can't wait just to get over with 'em. wish me luck, ok? T_T
*ini aja posting udah disempet2in banget, demi kelangsungan blog yang memang sudah sepi ini huhuhu*
Thursday, October 14, 2004
please please please..
i want this i want this i want this! desperately. anyone, buy me this, pretty please? promise i'll love you to death if you buy me one.
the utopian view of the internet
and now just a quick post before i struggle again with my philosophy politics essay. i'd be killed by my life companion if i don't finish this shit before saturday. >.<
anyway, here's just maybe a provoking thought, again about oh-the-almighty internet. i somehow can't get my mind off this issue, yet i know i should. i am becoming more boring and more boring every damn day.
why i become more and more addicted to the internet: my utopian point of view of the internet.
- i love the idea of legendary internet pioneer JC Licklider. he said that life will be happier for the online individual because the people with whom one interacts most strongly will be selected more by commonality of interest and goals than by accident of proximity. the most blatant example of this, in my opinion, is virtual community. the member of it have been bonded by the fact that they share the same interest, regardless their race, religion, gender, nationality. they don't care whether you're gay, they don't care whether you have bad breath or horrible body odor (bad metaphors with the bad breath and body odor, i know, but oh what the heck) :P all they care is that you love gaming and proud to be a gamer. *me waving hands to hendra and livia, a very romantic couple, bonded by the greatest UO online gaming*
- as most of you know this fact, but only some of you aware of this fact, is that the internet provides a foundation for a more egalitarian world order. confused? same here. nyehehehe :P nah, internet can be said the best metaphor with agora, a place where the athenian (yes, back to the ancient greece here people) citizens met to discuss ideas for the common good. this place was non-hierarchical, a place where everyone was equal. the internet is the most democratic place in the world. so yep, the idea of the equality is what i love most here. you don't have to be in a certain standard to be admitted by the net. you can always say no when you really want to say no, you can even be a man when you're actually a female (or even a shemale? oh god forbid. :P)
so there. oh i think i have to make this topic for my issues in electronic media class.of course, this utopian views come with dystopian views as well. will update about that later, now mr. foucault is waiting for me to be written about. huhuhu T_T
and oh, almost forgot. anyone loves bruce lee? just click this link, and discover a new form of art, digital art. i will write about that, some time. in the mean time, just enjoy my stupid boring writing about internet.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
[super blank]
i definitely am suffering a chronic boredom. this severe desease has caused me very very both boring and bored. you know what made me realise that i'm having this stupid desease?
OK, here goes.
firstly, within this week, from 8 classes i'm having per week, i went only to 3 of 'em. ergo, i skipped so many classes. it ain't good at all, i know.
secondly, i spend my time on the internet waaay too much. i even have this withdrawment *is that even a word? hehehe* if i'm not online. ergo, i'm such a boring person no one wants to talk to me in the real world.
thirdly, i become more and more obsessed with this idol shit. it's pathetic, it's bad, it's evertyhing NOT good. anyway guys, i'm soo in love with chanel from her today's performance!
lastly, i spent most of my dough on dvds, movies and food. oh good lord.
within this week, i have rent 6 dvds, have bought 5 new dvds, and have watched soo many movies.
and why is this bad for me?
CUZ I ACTUALLY HAVE SUMTIN REALLY IMPORTANTS TO BE DONE. you know, shit stuffs like school stuffs and house chores.
ERGO, i'm dead.
bitchy mode, ON: so what geto loch *ala abg jkt yang amit2 itu :P* kalo situ punya account friendster sebelum orang2 pada punya? situ okeeee?? kasian.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
my oh my stewpid laptop
can anyone of you explain what the hell is going on with my stewpid laptop?
ok here's the problem. I DUNNO WHAT THE PROBLEM IS!! oh this computer illiterate thingo dingo is really getting worse and worse. my oh my.
and where do i post this entry from, you may ask? many thanks to the one and only andini of course, thru the magic of the blue cable called LAN. nyahahaha ^-^
ahem. specific topic rite now.
i somehow lost my interest in australian idol, since i lost him. yes, stupid people had decided that daniel was not on the comp anymore!
i mean, come on, how could people NOT vote for him, since he has this good voice, big heart, and good looking face? omg what more can you ask from a man (as an idol of course huehueh)? and the fact that he brings out the gossips to the public at the most (you know, the gossip between him and chanel).
just look at this pic below. no more gossips and stuffs about them anymore. aren't they the cutest??
OK, he might not have the biggest heart, the best voice and yada yada yodely doo, but THE GOSSIPs?? how can you afford to lose 'em? *hahaha one of my friends said that i should've watched BIG BROTHER instead of IDOL.*
man, idol would never be the same without him anymore. *sigh*
anyway, i lied about i lost my interest in idol. i definitely am gonna watch the inside idol today, and i'm so going to the highpoint today, to meet them, IN PERSON! oooohhh andiniiii, can't wait can't wait ca't waitttt!!! <--- bawa2 nama orang, biar gak malu2in ke jumpa fans sendirian. nyahahaha. mari kita baca digicam, bawa handycam, bawa spidol buat tandatangaann lalalaaaaa :P*
have a nice day people, cuz i'm having a nice one around here. :) and oh, i mean it with my laptop problem. can anyone of you try to gimme the solution?
Monday, October 04, 2004
Friday, October 01, 2004
idol and idol and idol again..
Things that are really showing my madness about australian idol. I, Putri Mia Wulandari Irwansyah:
1. Never miss the show, not even one (that's including inside idol, which gonna show u all the hot gossip about idol)
2. Along with my housemate, have downloaded everything about idol. Be it the videos of individual performances, auditions, or even group performances, and the mp3s.
3. Am really excited about Sunday night (the concert show).
4. Am really anxious about Monday night (the verdict show).
5. Am really jealous for those who live in Sydney. They can be in the same roof as the finalists during the show.
6. Know every single detail about the finalist. Be it only age or the area where they came from.
7. Am so sick of school (which happens to be on Monday night, the same time with the verdict show. The result is, I skip that media classes pretty often)
8. Do not have any fondness with one particular finalist, since I know they who have the least vote will be leaving the competition every week, one by one)
9. Check the idol forum, the un/official website of the finalist, every friggin day. Literally every friggin day.
10. Am having this some sorta continously unexplainable excitement every time I watch the idol.
11. Am fully aware that I need help.
I know, I know, I AM that pathetic.
So help me God.