Monday, September 27, 2004

ozidol madness!

hey! check this out! really, me (and all the girls in my house, of course) are really happy happy happy about tonight's result of australian idol! just to get the glimpse picture of it, here goes the situation during the verdict, IN MY HOUSE:

[sounds from TV] : now marty, casey and emelia are in the bottom three. we'll see whose dream is going to be over tonight. we'll find out after the break. *and the audience, including us goes like: booooooo*

-----break *ceritanya hehe* -----

[sounds from TV] : casey, you're safe (then she goes back again to the seat).

[me n the girls] : ohh man, meaning marty is not safe yet? geeezzz he's gonna lose tonight. *deg2an*

[sounds from tv] : marty and emelia, australia has voted, between you and emelia, the one who's leaving the competition tonight is....

[me n the girls] : bener2 speechless, gak mengucapkan satu kata apapun. *makin deg2an*

[sounds from TV] : the one who's leaving the competition is... EMELIA!!!

[me n the girls] : speechless for about 0.01 second, before screaming: BOOOOHOOOO!!! WOOO HOOOO!! GO MARTY, GO MARTYYYY!!! YAAYYY!!!! *don't care anymore what the MCs said, don't care about the emelia's teary eyes (she's trying not to cry though), sampe tos2an segala, hampir berpelukan pulak. kampung total dah pokoknya :">*

yes, we ARE that pathetic, and yes, we ARE proud to be banci idoooll!!! nyahahahhaa :P

not that i love marty that much, no. even i didn't vote him last night. but this emilia girl, gosh.. i dunno, just don't like her, that's all. the reason why i don't like emilia is.. uhmm.. u know.. simple reason like.. I DON'T LIKE HER FACE? she has this pretty annoying face you know. nyehehehe *bitchy mode, ON*

jagoan gw so far mah masih ricki-lee, who sang michael jackson's "don't stop till you get enuf". keren ajeee.. gila2aann.. dahysat jayalah kalo kata gw.. hueheuhe :P

so people, enjoy this idol madness while you can, still lot more to come though (as u know prolly notice, yes i'm pretty much obsessed with this idol thingie). so there. later!

PS: my stewpid image host is not working properly these couple o' days. apology for the can not be displayed images.

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