Saturday, September 18, 2004


god it's been so long since i've stopped smoking. well i started being a smoker when i was 15 *young enuf to start a deed of dying young eh*, then quit during my high school years, which was from 1997 til 2000. thanks to my college atmosphere that gave me so much freedom in smoking (yes, i was that pathetic, sort of a smoker who must had a good situation first when i wanted to smoke), i started to smoke again, after 3 years of absence. still was a casual smoker, i only smoked when most of my friends did. i could say that it was the situation that forced, or rather, encouraged me to smoke. but i didn't blame anyone for this. me, like many other smokers, knew so well about the effect of smoking, let alone really felt it, but dunno why i was so into smoking. yah.. kalo kata orang jaman sekarang mah, gejolak kawula muda kali yah? kekekek :P

but anyhoo, now this is rather weird, i started to quit when i started to live in melbourne. i mean, i thought i was going to so into it, since my folks are back home *a.k.a they wouldn't know bout me n ciggies*. but i quit. don't know why, suddenly i just didn't have the desire to smoke.
padahal mah gw ngerti banget kalo gw berenti ngrokok gara2 mehong harga rokoknya. taelah, beli rokok sebungkus disini mah sama aja satu karton di jkt. huhuhu nasib orang kere cuy..

odd enuf, my folks finally found out that i'm a smoker. or rather was a smoker. they just asked me, out of the blue, saying "i know that you smoke. just quit that, bcuz you really are wasting my money. and you are on your ongoing process of your suicide." and i was just saying, "woot? why do you say it now? i've been a smoker since the age of 15 y'know, but now i am NOT a smoker anymore. so yea, i' not wasting your money. i did waste them though.." hauheuaheuae

oh well, the tempation is still there though. untung ada irwanku, yang siap dengan gadanya yang gede kalo gw mulai2 coba ngrokok.. mwuhewhuheuhe

PS: this entry is inspired by hendra, a friend who's trying to quit. good job so far bro, but like you said, it's so easy to quit smoking, just do it everyday! lol =)

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