Saturday, September 11, 2004

internet all over again.

heyhoo, i'm doing my assignment rite now (yep, the never ending list of assignment), and this is just a quick view on the internet. all are taken from my electronic society text book.

what hath the mouse wrought: the dystopian and utopian views of the internet.

the dystopian view is that the consequences have been bleak and the future trend is more dismal still. commercial nd technological forces are gaining control of the internet, individual users are prey to misinformation, deception, hucksters. the internet exposes users, and especially children, to violence, pornography, and the hate groups. lonely and outcast people are wasting their time in unreal relationship.

whilst the utopian view is looking at the how the internet provides an overwhelming potential for the development of liberating communities, exponential increases in human and social capital, and the achievement of each individdual's full democratic participation in every policy decision. in essence, utopian maintain that the internet is revolutionary, freeing people and groups to achieve finally an egalitarian, multi-media information society.

*source: the internet and everyday life, edited by barry wellman and caroline haythornthwaite, 2002.

IMO, i would say that internet brings neither good nor bad things. like how i see everything in life, i would say the usage of internet depends how you use it. it can be bad and good at the same time. eeekkk, confusing, i know.

but, are we or are we not living in the grey area? really, i never think in black and white anymore. all the facts in my life has made me think that life is nothing but a grey area (is it totally grey or is it full of spectrums?) eeekk, even more and more confusing, sorry.

sheesh this assignment. oh help me god. *fingers crossed, hoping some miracles*

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