Tuesday, June 24, 2008

on commitment

"if you're thinking about marriage, you must remember this: I WILL BURY THIS PERSON"

-a quote from one the random books i browsed at ak.sa.ra last weekend, cant recall the title, even google has failed moi-


Anonymous said...

You know what I don't understand why everyone is cynical about marriage...(she says with the benefit of, oh, six months wedded bliss).

Anonymous said...

ga usah komplain jung..
Masih untung ada yang mau kawin sama elo, ato masih untung lu laku..

Sofie Harumi said...

Hi Mijuuungg!! What a strong quote. Hope you are well sweety!! Kapan ke melby lg?? Let us know if you are lg in town yaaahh...
PS: Nurul link yaaah blog-nyaa mijung from mine? yah yah yah?? =D