Sunday, August 12, 2007

finally, back online


blogger dan gmail gak bisa dibuka di kantor. dunno what on bloody earth is wrong with that impossibly slow office internet connection. menyebalkan, one thing for sure.

dan satu kebingungan gw lagi: adakah di antara pembaca budiman yang tau bagaimana cara menghapus foto dari friendster? gw udah coba berkali2, dan dengan bantuan temen kantor yang emang salah gw juga sih minta bantuan doi secara begoknya sebelas dua belas sama gw alias mirip, tapi gagal terus. gimana ya caranya?

ok today's sunday. sunday morning rain is NOT falling, kata maroon 5. jakarta lagi panas2nya niiih ngajak gilak huhuhu. super humid, tapi juga panas bedenting. pingin nonton bioskop. pingin jalan-jalan yang gak musti keluar duit banyak. just strolling around. park would be good. tapi di jakarta nan biadab, naluri jalan2 di taman pasti pupus dengan suksesnya. jakartans dont know parks. yang ada adalah mobil, mobil, mobil. oya dan angkot keparat. dan motor gak berhati nurani.

gah in times like this, i so miss melbourne =(

i often envy ndun, reading her posts is like reading not only her rambling thoughts *which are often unimportant hehe*, but i dunno why it contains some things that i envy the most.

jalan2 gak jelas, dirumah seharian nonton tv, beresin rumah, strolling around the city, and everything simple. even i envy her contemplations.

plus she gets to see the super cool stuffs. concerts, theatrical performance, stand up comedies.

blah, di jakarta, susah banget untuk dapetin hal2 kaya gitu.

jadi nyesel, waktu gw di melbourne, i took those small things too for granted. harusnya, gw abadikan semuanya. hhh.. get back to reality, i guess. no pensieve here in the real frikken life!


schizilly said...

jalan2 gak jelas, dirumah seharian nonton tv, beresin rumah, strolling around the city, and everything simple. even i envy her contemplations.>>>>>>> it's called being unemployed, dear. huehehehhe

orangcurhat said...

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