Gak sabar nunggu konser Jamiroquai nanti sore!
Sampe gak bisa tidur (lebih karena abis ngegym badan sakit semua sih hehe)
And yes, gw mulai ngegym lagi! Tempat masih sama yaitu satu gym terkenal di dalam satu mall terletak deket kantor yaitu di senayan (can't I be more obvious than thiiis?)
This time, I got my own personal trainer, who is very kind, badan OK berat, suka nraktir, gampang dimintain tolong, dan... GRETONG. Alias temen sendiri hhohohoho :p
Gak niat jadi kurus kering, tapi lebih ke biar sehat aja, karena sejak gw berenti gym 2 taun yang lalu, gw jadi gampang cape dan sakit2an.
Pluuus, karena partnerboi nyogok gw ini:

Anywaay, nanti sore Jamiroquai! Bareng si mbak schizilly who've been very kind taking care of my tickets. Crossing fingers the concert will be a blast, mirip sama Melbourne Tour 3 years ago. Almost 4 deng, anjriiit!
See ya around, people!
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