Tuesday, April 22, 2008

meeting yang aneh

14.40-lagi ketak ketik ina itu.
jung, ada tamu. dari orang SOP (standard operating prochedure).
hoyah? ngapain?
mana gua tau!
ooo ok2.

hai mbak, pak. ada apa ini dateng ujug2 berkunjuung? *jarang2 soalnya*
loh? kan kita meeting bukan?
HAAH? oh, tunggu aja kali ya mbak, pak. gw tanya tim gw dulu, kok gw ketinggalan gini nih.

jam 14.50-boss akhirnya dateng dari previous meeting.
jung, ikut meeting ya.
eh iya boss, ada yang nunggu di depan. kapan boss meetingnya?
eeer.. like, now?
HAAAH? iya deh pak *i mean, what more can u say, rite? (panicking since i have no idea at all about the meeting topic)*

15.10-peserta meeting akhirnya komplit.
turns out the meeting is about product launching. we need to decide, urgently, when the products are gonna be launched, since its long waaay overdue. members are from international banking, settlement unit, legal, finance dept, IT, SOP *yang telah menunggu lama* and few others. ramai. dan orang2nya keliatannya pandai.
gw tambah jiper.

nah, ini yang canggihnya. ternyata oh ternyata, meetingnya berlangsung kaya nonton film dono. konyol, kocak, gak ada akhir.
konyol karena ternyata gak ada yang siap sama si produk baru ini.
masih banyak yang musti dikerjain.
yang musti ngerjain masih sibuk ini itu sehingga gak tau bisa berapa lama bisa kelar.
banyak efek domino yang timbul, yang berdampak pada saling liat2an, "lah ini kerjanya sapa nih? OK abis ini bagian gw, tapi sapa duluan nih?"
kocak karena jadinya lempar2an tugas dan tanggung jawab.
gak ada akhir, karena malah cela2an. goblok deh wakaka.
dan liat2an antar unit itu, berlangsung terus menerus. sambil bingung. sambil puyeng mikirin langkah2 strategic.

anjrit bener2 anjrit.

masih panjang urusannya nih.

sementara, sponsoring unit yang udah siap materi promosi & orang2 yang udah ditraining, tinggal senyum, "ini meeting terbodoh yang pernah gw liat"

15.45-meeting is finally over *!!!*
dan gw pun senang, gak jadi yang paling begok di meeting.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

sebuah rumah..

sebuah rumah, seharusnya, adalah tempat kita berlindung. gak cuma dari panas terik dan hujan lebat serta angin menusuk, tapi juga dari perasaan-perasaan gak aman lainnya. bukan cuma tempat berlindung, melainkan juga sumber dari pancaran kasih sayang, kebersamaan, dan kehangatan bersama keluarga.

pertanyaannya, kenapaaaa oh kenapaaa, gw gak pernah ngerasain hal-hal kaya gitu, DI RUMAH GW SENDIRI?

pathetic as can be, i am.


Monday, April 07, 2008

sinema perancis

heyhoo lets go, its me again. you know why i havent update this blog lately?

ok confession confession, reason number one is because im busy at the office, you know, with the hellish workload and all. reason number two, im addicted to facebook. bukan, bukan kirim gift sana sini atau towel2 sana sini. dan ini yang bikin malu, im addicted to bubble town, game gak membuat cerdas, membuang waktu, dan ketengan alias murahan di facebook. and since its me, i urge you people to believe the latter (reason, that is). i need help.

anyways, this festival is coming!! weeew im excited excited excited. i myself dont know much about french cinema, but knowing that these type of films dont appear that much in 'ordinary' cinema *you know, the studio-21 type of box office*, so imma give it a shot.

few films that ive been interested in:

this has been my #1 curiosity since i read the mini-synopsis:
In romantic comedies, when a man meets a woman whom he was crazy in love at the age of nine, it is obvious that these two will kiss each other at the end of the film and that it will be nice and moving. But life is not a romantic comedy...
wew, canggih kann? penasarankan? even from the very start we know that this is not the typical comedy. lets hope so.

this poster's catchy, and its musical. and the partner loves musical *hell he even liked sweeney 'disturbing' todd, the demon barber from fleet street! eeekk!*

ok, third is this animation. ive never watched any french animation before, and the theme revolves around music. not music as in musical type of film, i suppose, just read the synopsis:
Planet Music is a mess. All the instrument families have fought with each other. It all started with the mysterious disappearance of the key notes, and obviously each of the families accuses the others of stealing them. In short, it’s a cacophony: everyone plays alone in their own corner and no one will hear a word about the Large Orchestra. But a wind instrument, Piccolo, becomes the best friend of a horn, Saxo. If these two are pals and they decide to set out together to find the notes, music is at the end of the road.

And the last but not least: another comedy! this time its about ghosts. not one, but five. not your ordinary ghosts let alone typicla indonesian ghosts, but GAY ghosts. so can you imagine that? the ghost that are gay or the gay people that are ghosts? (no offense for the gay dudes out there, but the idea of this film is simply amusing). hihihihi =)

so there there, have you got any other recommendations?