Monday, May 26, 2008


alas, the time has come.

semua fasilitas perhedonan internet di kantor gw, DI BLOK!

semua. semuaaaaa!

yang nggak paling cuma website bank lain (buat research data kompetitor), sama koran2 atau portal berita. sisanyaaa? naas.

friendster *yang udah gak penting hueheuhe*,
blogger *not that it's that important, but still*,
job search,
travelling *hieheih ketauan kita semua tukang buka saban hari for smart n cheap travelling hoho*
facebook *now now, how on earth do i get in touch with my best-ever-guilty-pleasure, having see all stupid and super unimportant photos from all friends of mine, playing game online, throw perez hilton at friends etc etc? ihiks*
personal email *eeekkk!!*
dan, YAHOO MESSENGER! *bye ndun dan segala obrolan gak pentingnya, and all my cousins for gossips, shopping and titipan updates. from now on, i guess i see you all on weekends, when you guys and i are barely online at those times. duh, gusti.*

oh, matilah. matilaahh.

ngeeqqq, time for resigning *duh, as if!*


Anonymous said...

yahoo messenger yg di yahoo webnya (no download needed) di-ban jg ga jung? pake itu aja tuu buat ber-messenger ria

Anonymous said...

to nita dari andin: kyknya masih di blok juga deh nit. secara itu termasuk personal email?

to mijung dari andin (or ndun to her claim): kok bisa bookkk!?!? elo sih ya ceting mulu kga kerja, jadinya keblok kan. :)) mulai aktif kapan nih peraturan? secara hari ini ym lo masih sehat walafiat gitu.

M I J U N G said...

false alarm, everyone.

setelah merayu orang IT mendayu2 ala melayu, my access is granted.

hohoho mantap.