just updates some new photos, well not some actually, A LOT! aah remembering all the banci foto days back in jakarta.. hehehe
click here for the first album, consists of me n friends snap shots, stupid poses, etc etc.
and here for a hillarious day in dufan.
last and obviously not least, here for the last event i attend to, oliph's bachelor party (not because she's getting married or sumtin, but more because she just had her bachelor degree on management. oh that's graduation party what i meant. yes i'm just trying to be sorta funny, sorry hheuehuehue)
happy seeing everyone, feel free to look at it, and DON'T salivate over us heuheuheuhe...
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
3 words: piccies, piccies and, PICCIES! sheesh.
Monday, February 21, 2005
setelah hampir 3 bulan
... sampe juga gw ke melbourne lagi. sendiri lagi *ceh, nyanyi lagu sendu sampai mendayu2 gak jelas ahaha*, nyuci piring lagi, jalan kaki banyak2 lagi karena gak bermobil, kegiatan yang itu2 lagi (yes, kampus-rumah-rumah ndun-resto2-groceries-rumah-kampus-rumah ndun-dan lagi2 kaya gitu lagi), jauh2an lagi sama semua keluarga gw, yang walaupun we fought like hell, tapi tetep aja bareng2 juga in the end, pacaran jarak jauh lagi, mulai akrab lagi sama internet dan telfon buat nelfon jakarta dan sekitarnya, mulai jadi banci internet lagi. balik lagi ke alam asal deh.
salah satu bukti gw dah kembali ke kegiatan biasa: gw sekarang di kampus, ada jeda brengsek 3 jam, dan hari ini gw ada 4 kelas, dari jam 10.30 pagi sampe jam 9 malem. niiiicee.
i'm bored and i'm boring.
and this boredom has gotta stop. yes, i have to wrap up things. gotta graduate at the end of this year. kalongga, gw jadi gila. hohoho...
amin deh amin. doain gw aja ya.. bukan jadi gilanya, tapi jadi tukang sarjananya. okeh everyone?
on the time being, let me thank all of my friends and families back home for supporting me financially and emotionally. especially my irwan hehehe.. thank you all for your kindness, and may god pay all your good deeds back (ceh, ini pidato kok ya kaya bener2 baru menang oscar yah?) hoheohuehue...
masih ada beberapa utang sama orang2 jakarta... FOTO2!! susah deh berkelana dengan sesama banci foto.. kemana2 foto, trus foto lagi, lagi dan lagi.. hasilnya? ada sekitar 4 folder gede yang isinya, ITU2 AJE. asli yeee.. kemana2 sama orang yang sama, tempat yang sama, tapi teteppp aja foto2.. heheh untung gw ikhlasan orangnya *ya iyalah, wong gw ikutan jugak nyehehehe*..
iye speaking about utang, ntar gw upload-in satu2!!.. puas deh tu ngliatin foto masing2 dasar narsis!..
intinya thank you for everything ya kawan2.. have fun and take care with you life, cuz i will.
see you when i see you!
Sunday, February 13, 2005
coming soon
i'll be leaving indonesia (again) shortly. yes, insha allah next saturday will be my first day in melbourne in 2005.
long time no write on this blog, the internet connection is to be blamed. so wait for my three months in review! can be about anything. love and hate and hate and love hohoho.
so i'll see ya around next week, everyone! on the time being, just let me enjoying my last week in my beloved city with my beloved ones.
peace out.