Friday, August 24, 2007

august wrapping

wew. agustus udah mau abis aja ya. means we're off for all of those ber-ending months: september till december. gak terasa. udah mau puasa, abis itu lebaran, abis itu birthday marathon from my siblings (all of my older brothers are having birthday at the same month), trus giliran mijung ultah deh. damn ill be having my quarter life crisis, soon. blech.

anyiwaay, agustus adalah bulan yang seru juga buat gw. karena apa? karena ternyata saya kere lebih cepat di bulan ini. waay much faster than i thought i would be. hidup gw masih berkisar antara kerja di weekdays, and wedding hopping on weekends. 2 sahabat terbaik menikah bulan ini, plus i have few beloved ones' birthday throughout this month. me mom and me nephew to name a few. jadilah ogut kere, serayaaa beli kado ini itu, traktir ini itu, kasih angpau ina inu kalo ke kawinan. udah pake patungan padahal, tapi teteeeup huhuhu.

tapi gpp, saya bahagia saya masih bisa tersenyum. terutama di foto, so, enjooooi =)

tiks-ruby-masandre-the obnoxious other half-me-emier (left to right order)

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