Saturday, September 25, 2004

showground to the ground zero!

after have been living in melbourne for 2 years, i finally went to the can-be-called one of the biggest events in melbourne. the melbourne royal show! i actually had to force my self going there, cuz i was, and now still am, having this terrible flu. talking about runny nose, sore throat and painful headache here. but hey, the show must go on, innit? :P~

went there with egi and ndun, so here we are:

and this is the glorious melbourne royal show, you see the shop on both sides? that's the place where they sell lots and lots of showbags, such as the simpson's showbags, south park, sesame street, wonka, etc. whoa they sell, literally, thousands of showbags! just be careful, especially if you're not so big, cuz those big bule2 might just step on you. hehehe :P

and look what i bought! cute innit? :P

another piccies..

oh, look at this! the most beautiful ogre-wannabe in the world! *LOL*

there are plenty of attractions we can see, plenty of games, and zillions of presents can be won. all, of course, came with prices. expensive prices. come to think of this. the entry fee is $15 for concession, and of course more expensive for adult. and the showbags? whoa those are even more expensive. the cheapest showbags worth $10, with $2o the most expensive. and the food, you may ask? nah ah dude, that's not free as well. in fact, they're sumtimes even more expensive than the usual price *yaaa contohlah dufan, makanan di luar yang murah gitu, sementara di dalem dufannya bisa 2 kali lebih mahal.. huhuhu*

tips and hints:
-bring lots and lotsa cash. they don't receive ANY card. be it credit card or bank card (EFTPOS).
-bring your own bottled water. cuz for regular bottled water, you'll be charged like $3-$4 per bottle. that's $1 more expensive than the usual price.
-bring your own medicine. *just in case you feel a bit dizzy after you had the ride*
-quote from ndun, prepare your puke-bucket. LOL
-don't be seduced with the stuffs from the showbags. most of them are only gonna fill your trash bin afterwards. a.k.a. they're useless.
-prepare your metcard, cuz the staffs at the check out gate are definitely gonna check whether you have one. you'll be killed if you don't have one. *i'm kidding of course, kiddo* but yes, prepare your own metcard.
-wear sneakers and your most comfortable outfit. no high heels allowed. well, it's really up to you though, cuz i've seen the-goin-to-prom-frocks yesterday. the result? mereka kesusahan sendiri jalannya. nyahahaha sukuriiiinnnn!

but overall, apart from the ripping off prices, showground still offers you lots and lots of fun, especially if you go with your best mates, daaan.. beramai2! and yes, i did have fun yesterday, apart from my sickness of course. the negative side from showground? now i'm broke. nyahahaha nasiib.. nasiiibb...

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