I think i gotta restart my blogging life yet once again. Life's pretty busy with mundane stuffs, therefore i feel the urge to write. Kinda irrelevant huh, but I kinda need the balance blogging has to offer.
So here's a random thought in the middle of afternoon traffic.
One of the goal in my life is to make my spouse happy. I know its a utopic word and i know that happiness is not a destination but a journey, but i always think that happiness needs to be pursued.
Think about small things u do regularly. From making coffee in the morning, cooking their fav meal, getting new stuffs, listening to their problems, taking care of your kids while they're away working, or as simple as supporting them during their hardest time.
To me, my biggest support for my spouse would be putting my needs aside, and let his priorities be mine. Quite a difficult task i might say, because this means i have to put my ego aside, throw away my tiredness, and make sure that his priorities are number one.
Seems easy? Of course not. As i said earlier, as happiness about the journey itself, so is the effort. Of course its sometimes tiring, boring and can boil your head off. But if your goal is to make your spouse happy, im sure i can make myself, in the process, happy.
Now question: do you make your spouse happy? How often do you make them happy?
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Happy spouse
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
for those who can feel me out.
For the love of Cybill, please do easy on me!
Never been so easy things for me. for sure, untuk masalah yang satu ini gw gak bisa banyak ngomong deh. Kadang yang terjadi suka diluar expectation dan sedikit "aneh". Gue heran, setiap denger temen gw gampang aja dapet kerjaan baru - gw suka berpikir , salahnya dimana ya ? gw sekolah tinggi - tinggi udah, kayaknya gaul juga udah (ciee) tapi kok tetep aja ngak qualified. suka mikir, apa ada hubungannya , kalau sekolah tinggi - tinggi malah cenderung susah dapet kerja ya ? reality bites - yang lebih sukses banyak sob.
case 2 : kalo ngantri , baik pake mobile ataupun berdiri, kenapa pas bagian gw gitu yang di stop ? masih banyak orang lain woy dibelakang gw. apa ada tulisan di jidat gw, bahwa gw orangnya humble dan seneng diberentiin ya ? sungguh gak masuk diakal deh . Kadang temen gw suka bilang "ah cuman perasaan loe aja rul" , tapi ini sering banget kejadian. dan makin sering dan makin sering.
case 3 : nah ini nih yang paling akut, sering banget kejadian sama gw kalau hal yang paling gw hindarin malah paling sering kejadian. Contohnya kalau masalah kerja ye, gw udah super 200x hati - hati ngerjain report tetep aja ada yang miss. Dan yang miss itu adalah hal -hal kecil kayak nama file belum diganti, date nya ngak berubah , judul ngak huruf besar. call me ngak teliti, tapi suer deh gw udah mau mati negerjainnya supaya ngak ada yang salah. Wait, kalo gw pikir-pikir ini juga kejadian dari gw mulai kuliah. Masa hal yang sama bisa kejadian 2 kali sih ke gw. nah lo! ini bener-bener salah deh.
kayaknya emang ada yang salah nih, kurang amal kali kalo kata orang. Apa ini bentuk dari karma ? do yo u believe that ? udah dong , buat 2013 ini jadi lebih sedikit manis.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Why do people could be so boring. The conversation during lunch, the talk on the elevator, the bad -nasty jokes, the so-called friendly new guy, the kiss asses, the tough one. But most of it the "look-what-i-got" type, is the best.
The superb combination of watched and being watched. Just love to show others of superiority as if no one can beat it. Well , honestly we just can't beat it eventually, but at least we're not proud of it and show it either. Do you feel me ?
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Life of a stewardess
Highlight of the day adalah merhatiin pramugari dalam melayani penumpang. Bottom line: mungkin klo gw jadi pramugari bisa cepet gila. Either gila atau mati muda. Hehe mungkin ekstrim yak, tapi baru hari ini aja dan baru ngamatin 90 menit perjalanan aja gw udah stress duluan. Semua gara2 ini:
Penumpang ga bisa bahasa indonesia.
Itu masih lazim, jamak. Yang bikin masalah adalah.. Penumpang juga ga ngerti bahasa inggris, blasss sama sekali. Sementara dese duduk di kursi nomer 15, dimana butuh briefing khusus dari pramugari tentang evakuasi keadaan emerhensi. Kelar dah tu pake bahasa tarzan.
Penumpang (kayaknya) belom pernah naik pesawat.
Ok i shudnt judge like this, tapi dari jawabannya sih gw pingin pengsan.
Pramugari: mau minum apa pak?
Penumpang: ice capuccino mbak. Lantang, datar.
Pramugari: hah? Oh kita ga ada pak.
Penumpang: oh ga ada? Adanya apa?
Idih buset untung mbaknya pengalaman kayanya jadi tetep senyum.. Nah kalo gw mah dr awal dia minta ice capuccino udh gw jawab: ya menurut looo?
Penumpang bolot.
Pramugari nawarin makan sbb:
Pramugari: mau makan apa pak, ada nasi kuning ikan atau mie goreng ayam?
Penumpang: nasi kuning..AYAM.
Hanjrit kalo gua adalah pramugari: bah dikata ini warung bibilo bisa milih?!
Nah gitu deh jadi pramugari. Pening ga sih?
Monday, March 12, 2012
What are we?
I read my timeline mostly in the morning. Usually while doing number 2. But thats too much information, innit? :p
My morning timeline is almost the same.
Monday means zombie faces tweet about how energetic today will be.
Tuesday and Wednesday are quite similar: very boring and mundane, stuffs like: good god, still faraway from weekend!
Thursday is quite unique: lordy lord, tomorrow is weekend already? Yep, tweeted by the same person who whine about Tuesday & Wednesday.
And Friday! Yes, Friday. Countless people worshipping Friday. TGIF, says most people. I guess its hard being Friday.
Saturday: happy people tweet about their weekend activity. Friends and family, no fuss and no wuss.
Sunday: people quite laid back on Sunday, i tell ya. Note on this: only in the morning. Sunday nite is hellish, with the cries and whines about the dreadful Monday.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
My mellow side strikes me theese days. Dengan cuaca mendung dan lagu lagu r&b 90'an , you know how it is kan. A new habit, yang cukup mahal dan mungkin ngak bisa sering-sering gw kerjain adalah duduk di coffe shop - famous known as el bon bon, order iced moccha cappucino yang sebentar lagi akan bereaksi terhadap perut gw. well it works, karena bikin gw sedikit terjaga dari sleepyhead ... dan biasanya berlanjut ngak kerasa waktu udah makan siang lagi and I could escape to go home. Sounds like a dream job ya. Well it is, but a not that dreamy. Like every office have it owns drama. I tell you what it is ya. Perusahaan gw ini kecil, and most likely cewe semua isinya. Mungkin kalo digambarin kayak Smith di "Who's that Girl?" , but gw ngak sekeren dia dan posisinya juga biasa aja. Lebih tepatnya kalau pernah liat film "friends with benefits?" nah persis kayak gitu deh.
Anyway, dengang ini bisa dibilang bahwa tingkat sensitifitasnya juga tinggi banget, jadi musti hati hati banget .. bisa dibilang gw suka jam kerjanya tapi the people around kok kayaknya yeah for a guy like me - just too sensitive. I need my bro-mance, I need my guys! I need guys that we could talk loud and work hard at the same time.
not just silent and do nothing. well it's just too damn bored for me.
Friday, February 03, 2012
So this girl at work asked me this morning about who my idol is. Of course i cant answer it right away; the question needs deep and thorough contemplation, i said.
Then she (who really keen to help) asked furthermore about what field or interest im into. Perhaps she could relate my interest in answering the first question. Right, i thought.
Then obviously i answered in a full tone of casualty: well i like music, yeah im into music.
Then boom! Just like that, she continued 'right ok, so ur into music.. Mmm then maybe ur idol is bach? Or chopin?'
Chopin. I just dont know how the thought (of me idolising chopin or such) came across her mind, while at the same time, im juggling in my head between madonna or michael jackson as my idol :D
So i guess we're just a very different type of person, huh?
And you, who's your idol?